Sunday, July 29, 2012

Alaska...the beauty of the land!

I can't do it! The more that I try to capture the beauty of nature through my lens, I realize that I just can't do it! Just as you can't capture a can't truly capture a beautiful place. The photos are just an attempt to show to you the wonderful artist that our Heavenly Father is (He is an amazing Artist!)! Looking at photos and actually being there is very different!! 

Here are a few of the experiences, that I tried to capture, of the beauty here! In these photos you can see, the Bay, Homer Spit, glaciers, volcanoes, wild roses/rose bud, fireweed, a peaceful lake! 

In the third photo you can see a small black dot above the water---this is a small float plane! 

In the last four photos-- These are photos of the volcanoes here. We were driving along the highway and we stopped so that I could take some pictures of them. I walked through the field and came up to the edge of the grass-line. There was a complete drop off at the edge!! The wind was so powerful here, as this is the Inlet. It was such a cool experience, standing on this cliff and feeling the power of the wind off the ocean! (I felt for a second that this is what Ireland might be like!!) 

Enjoy the photos! :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blessings from Heaven!

Every day is a blessing from our dear Lord! He gives us another day to love Him, to serve Him and to know Him in a deeper way! 
As you all can tell... my little nephews and niece have really won my heart! :) I am so thankful to our dear Lord for this time that I have been able to spend with them! It has been a true blessing for me! St. Therese of the Child Jesus strove to be childlike and in this she drew closer to God and fell more in love with Him! Being around little children really has inspired me with what St. Therese was talking about. It is in the simple every day actions that we come closer in our relationship with God! It may seem pointless to us, but He has a plan for why He wants you to do this!

"Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" -Matthew 18:3-4

Here are a few photos of some adorable kids that I love! :)


These Photos are copyrighted. Please do not download or use without permission!

Friday, July 20, 2012

All because two people fell in love!

It has already been more than 2 weeks since I've been here! The time spent with my family here has been so wonderful...a true blessing from God! 

Thanks everyone for all the comments on the last post! :)

Here are a few photos from the past few days! I hope you enjoy them! 

These Photos are copyrighted. Please do not download or use without permission!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Enjoying the creation of the Creator!

Today was the second day that it hasn't rained since I've been here! Because of this fact we spent most of our day outside enjoying the beautiful nature that God has created for us! We went for a walk on the spit/on the beach. It was warmer today (60 degrees), which was great! I walked down on the beach with my nephew and niece. We sat on some drift wood and then walked up to the was so peaceful! The wind was powerful! I could have stayed on the beach all day....I love walking on this beach! It gave me time to think and realize how amazing God is! He created this beauty for us...for us to enjoy and then to praise Him for His great work! Our God is amazing...just in case you didn't notice! ;-) 

Here are a few photos of our adventure today! :)

Oh, yeah... I heard that my blog wasn't working with commenting. The good news is that I fixed it and now anyone and everyone can post a comment! ;-) So now I expect to hear from you!!

Enjoy the photos! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Having a blast! :)

Hello to all! If you haven't guessed I am having a great time up here with my family! There is never a dull moment with these adorable little tykes! :) It has been fun trying to capture moments of them and share them with you all! Here are some photos that really show their personalities! ;-) My niece never wants to look at the camera, thus the reason why I have mostly side/profile photos of her. My nephew is the silliest little thing...there is a pretty good one below that you can tell why I say that! Last night I got my niece and nephew both dressed up to have a photo shoot. My nephew is a cowboy and my niece is a ballerina! I got a couple good shots! 

Enjoy the photos! I love to hear your comments! :)

These Photos are copyrighted. Please do not download or use without permission!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Puddle Jumping!

After many days of rain, the rain finally stopped!! We were able to go outside finally! We got those rain boots on and of course had to splash in the puddles!! ;-) These little kids are so cute! 
Enjoy these photos! 

These Photos are copyrighted. Please do not download or use without permission!